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Welcome Every Family:

Have you thought of the paradigm of STRENGTH and SHIELD and its significance of one's realm?

Didn't the country of China
build its GREAT WALLS
for these reasons?


We all know that our families are worth far more than thirty minutes of our time; yet often we let a day, a week, or a month go by without sharing any real time with those we love the most. Would you trade thirty minutes of your time for an idea? A family idea? We belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and would like to share with you and your family a pleasant, meaningful activity that is being conducted with gratifying results in hundreds of thousands of homes throughout the world. It is called the family home evening, and is designed to bring added love, understanding, communication, and fun to all the members of your family. No other success is as important as success in the home. The family is the basic unit of society, and no other institution can take its place nor fulfill its essential functions. We all know that our lives outside the home are richer, more productive, and more satisfying when our lives inside the home are united in family love and solidarity. The family home evening is devoted to things that members of your family enjoy doing together, and it includes a learning activity. You'll find that family home evening, with father directing and mother at his side, will increase the unity and love among all the members of your family. Your interest is appreciated, and we look forward to demonstrating a family home evening in your home under your direction.

"The strength of a nation depends on the strength of a faithful family."

What are the ideas in starting a Home Family Evening?
Click the picture of the Great Wall of China to know these things.

The Great Wall of China

The symbol of Strength and Security
if properly maintained


A natural family meet regularly on Monday evening with prayers, playing games, planning of future activities, counselling family council, teaching and sharing talents to one another and many more that is strengthening each member of the family.


Love is the only force that can compose the differences between people, that can bridge the chasms of bitterness and animosity that so frequently and violently separate us.
President Gordon B. Hinckley, BYU 1978.

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